
ESIS-9000 Pre-filter

ESIS-9000 Pre-filter

The Temet ESIS-9000 pre-filter is used as coarse particle filter for CBRN Filtration unit´s intake air filtration in CBRN protected civil defense and military shelters. The ESIS-9000 pre-filter is designed to be installed with wall sleeve into the blast protected area of the hardened shelters. The required LP-ESIS wall sleeve is sold as separate item. By using the pre filter, the lifespan of the CBRN filter can be extended.

The ESIS 9000 pre-filter comprises a filter element including two replaceable filter bags and supporting frame. A high degree of operational safety and pressure retention are ensured with non leaking heat-sealed load bearing filter pockets cast in a PUR front frame.


ESIS-9000 Pre-filter

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