Temet ESL-6000-A

LKJ-O2 Oxygen supply unit

LKJ-O2 Oxygen supply unit

The LKJ-O2 Oxygen Supply units are designed to be used in high end Civil Shelters, Military Command Posts and Operational Shelters together with ESL-CO2 Regenerative Carbon Dioxide Removal system. The purpose of the oxygen supply unit is to ensure personnel's living conditions during the close-up mode of the shelter. In the close-up mode no extra air is taken into the shelter. The longer the close-up mode is, the more extra oxygen is needed inside the shelter. During the close-up mode, the unit monitors the oxygen levels and provides extra oxygen to the shelter facility.

The LKJ-O2 Oxygen Supply unit needs to be connected into the Temet ESL-CO2 Regenerative Carbon Dioxide Removal system.




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