
LP-SJ-150 wall sleeves

LP-SJ-150 wall sleeves

The Multi Cable Transmitter (MCT) wall sleeves are specially designed wall sleeves which allow the safely passage of cables and pipes through the shelter wall without compromising the shelter blast or tightness protection. The wall sleeves are commonly installed at the early stage of rebaring and the concrete is casted on to make them part of the wall. 

Our wall sleeves are tested for tightness and blast resistance according to the Finnish standard. Common wall thickness varies from 200mm to 2000mm or even higher.


Temet SJ-150LP-SJ-150 wall sleeve for electrical cables

As the wall sleeves are cast in the concrete, it is very important to include them in the preliminary design. Our team is ready to support you from the very start with design files and consultation.

Please contact us for further information.


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